Working with WebSockets in Rails: Broadcasting Messages
WebSockets provide a mechanism for real-time communication between a client and a server, allowing for interactive and dynamic web applications. In Rails, Action Cable is the built-in framework that allows us to work with WebSockets seamlessly.
Action Cable facilitates broadcasting messages to connected clients in a simple and efficient manner. Let’s explore the process of broadcasting messages using WebSockets in a Rails application.
Setting Up Action Cable
To begin working with WebSockets in Rails, we need to set up Action Cable. Start by running the following command in your Rails project directory:
bin/rails action_cable:install
This command will generate the necessary files and configurations for Action Cable in your Rails application.
Creating a Channel
Channels in Action Cable handle WebSocket connections and manage the broadcasting of messages. To create a new channel, run the following command:
bin/rails generate channel Chat
This will generate a new channel named “Chat” along with a corresponding Ruby file in the app/channels directory.
Defining Subscriptions
A subscription handles the client-side WebSocket connection to a channel. In the generated Ruby file for the Chat channel, you can define the subscription as follows:
class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
stream_from "chat_room"
In this example, we are subscribing to a stream called “chat_room”. It means that any messages broadcasted to this stream will be received by the connected client.
Broadcasting Messages
Now, let’s see how we can broadcast messages to the subscribed clients. In the Chat channel file, define a method called “broadcast_message” as shown below:
class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
stream_from "chat_room"
def broadcast_message(message)
ActionCable.server.broadcast("chat_room", message: message)
Whenever the “broadcast_message” method is called with a message parameter, it broadcasts that message to all clients subscribed to the “chat_room” stream.
Triggering Broadcasts
Now, let’s trigger the broadcast from a separate part of your application, such as a controller or a model. Simply call the “broadcast_message” method with the desired message as the parameter.
class MessagesController < ApplicationController
def create
message = params[:message]
ChatChannel.broadcast_to("chat_room", message: message)
# Additional logic...
In this example, we’re defining a “create” action in a controller. After processing the message, it broadcasts the message to all clients subscribed to the “chat_room” stream using the “broadcast_to” method.
Receiving Broadcasted Messages
To receive the broadcasted messages on the client side, you can utilize JavaScript and Action Cable provided functions. Here’s an example of how to receive and display messages:
// Action Cable subscription setup
const chatChannel = consumer.subscriptions.create("ChatChannel", {
connected() {
// Connected to the channel
received(data) {
// Message received, handle the data
const message = data.message;
// Display the message in the chat interface
function displayMessage(message) {
// Display logic for the message
In this JavaScript snippet, we create a subscription to the “ChatChannel” and define the “received” function to handle incoming messages. The message is then displayed through a separate function, “displayMessage”, which you can implement accordingly based on your application’s needs.
By working with WebSockets and Action Cable in Rails, you can easily implement real-time features in your applications. Broadcasting messages with Action Cable is a straightforward process and allows for seamless communication between the server and connected clients.
Remember to configure the necessary JavaScript and WebSocket server to make everything work together smoothly. With the power of WebSockets, you can create interactive and immersive web experiences for your users.
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