Tag: best practices

  • “Exploring Rails Conventions: Best Practices for Development”

    “Exploring Rails Conventions: Best Practices for Development”

    ⁣ Exploring Rails ⁣Conventions:⁤ Best‍ Practices‍ for Development Ruby on Rails,‍ often referred to ‍as Rails,⁤ is a popular web ‍application framework‍ that follows⁢ certain⁢ conventions to make ⁢development efficient⁤ and⁢ maintainable. ⁤These conventions provide guidelines and best ⁢practices‍ for‍ developers, enabling⁢ them to focus on ‌building the ⁢core features of their application without ‌reinventing⁢…

  • 10 Tips for Writing Better Ruby on Rails Code

    10 Tips for Writing Better Ruby on Rails Code

    ⁣ 1. ⁢Follow the ⁣Rails​ Naming⁤ Conventions ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ Ruby⁢ on Rails⁣ has ​a set⁣ of naming conventions‍ that you should adhere to.​ Use ​pluralized table ⁢names, singular⁣ model‍ names,⁤ and ​follow‌ the‍ proper camel-casing ⁢conventions⁤ for ⁢classes, modules,​ and⁣ methods. ⁤ ​ ⁤ 2.⁣ Keep‍ Controllers Lightweight ‌‌ ⁤ Controllers⁢ in Ruby ⁤on⁢…

  • The Best Ruby on Rails Blogs

    The Best Ruby on Rails Blogs

    ​ ‍ ⁢ ‍ ​ 1. Ruby ⁤on Rails Guides ​ ‍ ⁢ ⁣ Ruby on Rails ⁤Guides offers comprehensive⁢ guides‍ and⁣ tutorials for⁤ beginners and‌ experienced developers. ⁣ Author:‌ Ruby⁢ on‌ Rails team ⁣ Website:⁤ https://guides.rubyonrails.org ​ ​ ⁣ ‌ ‌ 2. ‌SitePoint Ruby ​ SitePoint Ruby ⁢provides ‍insightful ‌articles,‌ tutorials,​ and news about…