“Creating Custom Validators in Rails”

“Creating Custom Validators in Rails”


Creating Custom Validators in Rails

When building a Ruby on Rails application, you may need to implement custom validation rules for your models. Rails provides a wide range of built-in validators, but there might be instances where you need to create your own custom validators to suit your application’s specific requirements.

Understanding Validators in Rails

Validators are used in Rails to validate the data before saving it to the database. They ensure that the data meets certain conditions, such as presence, uniqueness, format, or custom business rules. Rails provides a variety of built-in validators, including presence, length, numericality, uniqueness, and more. These built-in validators cover most of the commonly required validation scenarios.

When to Create Custom Validators

While the built-in validators are robust, there may be occasions when they don’t fully address your application’s specific validation needs. In such cases, creating custom validators gives you the flexibility to define your own rules and conditions.

Creating a Custom Validator

The process of creating a custom validator in Rails is straightforward and follows a simple pattern:

  1. Create a new class that inherits from the ActiveModel::EachValidator base class.
  2. Override the validate_each method, which receives the model object, the attribute being validated, and the value of that attribute.
  3. Implement your custom validation logic inside the validate_each method.
  4. Register your custom validator in the desired model using the validates method.

An Example Custom Validator

Let’s say we want to create a custom validator to ensure that a username doesn’t contain any profanity. Here’s an example of how we could implement this:

class ProfanityValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
profanity_list = ['bad_word_1', 'bad_word_2', 'bad_word_3']
if value&.split(' ')&.any? { |word| profanity_list.include?(word.downcase) }
record.errors.add(attribute, :profanity, message: "contains profanity")

In this example, we define a ProfanityValidator class that inherits from ActiveModel::EachValidator. In the validate_each method, we check if the username contains any profanity by comparing it with our list of prohibited words. If a profanity is found, we add an error to the model’s errors collection using the add method to notify the user.

Using the Custom Validator

After creating the custom validator, we can use it in any model by invoking the validates method and passing the name of the attribute along with the custom validator:

class User < ApplicationRecord
validates :username, profanity: true

In this example, we apply the profanity validator to the username attribute in the User model. Whenever a user tries to save a record with a username containing profanity, the model won’t be considered valid, and Rails will add an error to the username attribute.


Creating custom validators in Rails allows you to implement specific validation rules tailored to your application’s requirements. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can easily define your own validators, enhancing the data integrity and improving the overall user experience of your Ruby on Rails application.


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